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dr. Andrea Dabóczi


I’m a medical doctor with 6 years experience in the field of evolutionary medicine. Previously, I have been an international transplant coordinator for 3 years. Later on, I was working at internal medicine departements at Semmelweis Medical University Budapest, Hungary. In 2013 and 2014, I was trained by the Paleomedicina Working Group. I am specialized in obesity and associated conditions. I have developed an onsite training course for overweight patients to teach them how to achieve optimal weight, maintain health and how to recover from preexisting chronic diseases. Learning in community with a doctor and other fellows is a very efficient way of recovery. The only therapy I use is the paleolithic ketogenic diet. 


ResearchGate profile


Kapcsolódó tartalmak

Natalie Daniels
- soon -
Dr. Zsófia Clemens
  I am a neurobiologist and clinical researcher specialized in nutrition, nutritional therapy and
dr. Csaba Tóth
dr. Zsuzsa Rochlitz
  BEMUTATKOZÁS   1985-ben szereztem orvosi diplomát a budapesti Semmelweis