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Mária Schimmer


My name is Mária Schimmer. My first encounter with the Paleo was with my 15-year-old son who has been suffering from continuous abdominal complaints for years. At first, the cause of his illness did not come to light, and later it was proved that he unfortunately had Crohn's disease. We tried most of the cures and naturopathy methods, diets, but in vain, nothing has led to improvement. We read books on Paleolithic nutrition. Based on these, we started the diet, but there was no improvement. After these I found Dr. Csaba Tóth whom we visited and based on his advice, we began the paleo-ketogenic diet, which was significantly different from the diet we used to do. There was a rapid improvement in the state of my son, which continues to this day. His abdominal complaints were abandoned, his condition improved a lot, the psoriasis disappeared and his ideal body weight came in. He recovered from depression in three days, learning is easier for him, and he has a happy and successful everyday life. For us, only the paleo-ketogenic diet was the solution to all our health problems. This gave me the motivation to work in this area too. I have been working as a Paleomedicina team member since 2015 as a dietary consultant and organizer.


Kapcsolódó tartalmak

Natalie Daniels
- soon -
Dr. Zsófia Clemens
  I am a neurobiologist and clinical researcher specialized in nutrition, nutritional therapy and
dr. Andrea Dabóczi
  I’m a medical doctor with 6 years experience in the field of evolutionary medicine. Previously,
dr. Csaba Tóth