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Clinical Open Days Videos

Here you will be able to find the presentations delivered at the Clinical Open Days program which took place 5-7 Apr 2018 and was hosted by Paleomedicina Hungary.

1.Andrea Dabóczi: Paleolithic ketogenic diet (PKD): Weight loss and cure in one blow. Three years’ experience in patient workshops
2.László G. Boros: Glycogenic versus ketogenic metabolism: Medical perspectives
3.Zoltán Simon: Treatment of panic disorder with the paleolithic ketogenic diet (PKD): a case study
4.Zsófia Clemens: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: fasting and stimulated C-peptide
5.Arjun Panesar: Big data to big impact
6.Ian Lake: A journey on the road less travelled in Type 1 diabetes. Insights from dietary experiments.
7.Zsófia Clemens: Vitamin and mineral supplements: Do we really need them on a full-value diet?
8.Csaba Tóth: It’s time to cure cancer, autoimmune and other chronic diseases. Causes, pathophysiology and therapy
9.Péter Merész: HPLC-RP analysis of polyethylene glycol (PEG 400) for measuring intestinal permeability
10.Zsófia Clemens: Intestinal permeability: causes and its relevance to autoimmune diseases and cancer
11.Amber O'Hearn: Personal experiences in long-term carnivorous eating: benefits beyond carbohydrate restriction
12.Thomas Seyfried: Cancer as a mitochondrial metabolic disease: Implications for novel therapeutics (online presentation)
13.Zsófia Clemens: Combating cancer: Paleolithic ketogenic diet (PKD) as a stand-alone therapy. Theory, practice and results.
14.Csaba Tóth: The paleolithic ketogenic diet (PKD) is more effective than medicines in treating chronic internal diseases. The art of tapering preexisting medicines.
15.Ferenc Nagy – Mária Schimmer: Paleolithic ketogenic diet: perspective from the kitchen
16.Zsófia Clemens: Paleo, low-carb, ketogenic, GAPS, AIP: Choose what you want?
17.Károly Nagy: Raw meat feeding of dogs
18.Gianluca Bosetti: Ketogenic diet and sports nutrition: the advantages of carbs periodization

Presentation videos from the Clinical Open Days event are available for purchase (75 EUR).

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We are managing patients with chronic internal diseases using a dietary intervention method. These diseases include all types of diabetes, autoimmune diseases, such as Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis. But it also includes atherosclerosis.

We are working with specialists who are highly experienced in epilepsy and cancer as well. We provide complex rehabilitation from diagnostics to complete recovery.

In case you wish to consult us, we will ask for your medical documentation in advance. You may send it electronically or by surface mail. Only having read your documentation we are able to fix an appointment with you.

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