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The paleolithic ketogenic diet (PKD) is associated with low C-peptide levels in non-T1DM patients and healthy subjects
        Zsófia Clemens*, Andrea Dabóczi, Enikő Andrásofszky,

2D:4D finger ratio positively correlates with total cerebral cortex in males
  ABSTRACT Although there is evidence that the ratio of 2nd to 4th digit length (2D:4D) correlates

Recurrent tumor of the main bronchus successfully managed with the paleolithic ketogenic diet
Csaba Tóth, Zsófia Clemens   Introduction Ketogenic diets have been shown

Complete cessation of recurrent cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) by the paleolithic ketogenic diet: A case report
  Csaba Tóth, Mária Schimmer, Zsófia Clemens   Abstract Background:

Epilepsy and Vitamin D

Epilepsy and Vitamin D

Holló András, Clemens Zsófia, Lakatos Péter.
Epilepsy and vitamin D. International Journak of Neuroscience. 2014 Jun;124(6):387-93.

Several disorders, both systemic and those of the nervous system, have been linked with vitamin D deficiency. Neurological disorders with a vitamin D link include but are not limited to multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer and Parkinson disease, as well as cerebrovascular disorders. Epilepsy which is the second leading neurological disorder received much less attention. We review evidence supporting a link between vitamin D and epilepsy including those coming from ecological as well as interventional and animal studies. We also assess the literature on the interaction between antiepileptic drugs and vitamin D. Converging evidence indicates a role for vitamin D deficiency in the pathophysiology of epilepsy.


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We are managing patients with chronic internal diseases using a dietary intervention method. These diseases include all types of diabetes, autoimmune diseases, such as Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis. But it also includes atherosclerosis.

We are working with specialists who are highly experienced in epilepsy and cancer as well. We provide complex rehabilitation from diagnostics to complete recovery.

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